Sunday, September 11, 2011

Living in the Shadows

Today the city streets are lined with flags.

The fire department has a memorial in the front yard.

Our church had a special chorus and memorial performance.

Today we remember to mention our troops when we pray for our Sunday dinner. We look people in the eye when we tell them that we love them. We once again transform into the strong, noble people that we became in the wake of the tragedy ten years ago. 

September 11, 2001 is the first real world event that I remember. We’re talking truly remember in vivid detail. The events of the day were so huge that they have completely altered the way that I view the time of my life. I remember with no effort that on 9/11/2001 I was in 9th grade – fall semester of my freshman year. If anyone asks me what year I began attending WHCA, I start with 2001 and count backwards to 5th grade. What year did my sister get married? I start in 2001 and count forwards to junior year. It was pivotal.

As I sat in church this morning remembering the events of a decade ago, I couldn’t help but notice that the large wooden cross over the stage caught the lighting just perfectly - casting a shadow of a giant 11 on the wall. On any other Sunday I would have never noticed, but today I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. You see, even the largest tragedies in my life live in the shadow of the cross.  I am thankful for a Life that brought mercy and justice and love and peace to this world that is dark and wounded. A Life that covers our brokenness and tragedies. A Life that was truly a pivotal moment in time - a birth that marked Year 0 AD. And I am thankful for ending the memorial service this morning with these lyrics of hope:

“You are the life to my heart and my soul,
You are the light to the darkness around me.
You are the hope to the hopeless and broken,
You are the only truth and the way.”

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